"I don't think that life is short, so I think you should stop saying it. 'Life is short, man.' No it's not! Life is excruciatingly long! Let me rephrase that-the life you've got LEFT is excruciatingly long. The life behind you...is DONE. So yes, life is short, but only when you turn around and look at it. But if you keep looking forward, you've got a lotta years to think about it. And if you don't think like life is long, if you live everyday like life is short, you know what you become? A fuckin' asshole. Go buy yourself a die-cut Calvin sticker to put on the back of your truck because you are an asshole. You've gotta live your life like life is long. You gotta live your life like someday soon you're gonna hit some miserable Tuesday night that's just gonna seem to go on for days and days and days, waiting either for some phone call to come that doesn't come, or some phone call to stop that won't stop. But life, as it's laid out in front of you, seems to go on forever. But look back to when you were four, and it seems like last Sunday. So just keep moving forward, and keep your good heart on you, and keep doing the best you can do, and love who you love the best you can love, and keep yourself where the light is!" -- John Mayer

You know I have to start my blog with a little Mayer. You probably knew you'd see it before you clicked the link or pulled up the site. But read the quote again, and think about how much it applies to my life right now. Hell, think about how much it applies to your life right now, and where you could be or where you could take it.
Welcome to a site that will be used for heartfelt ramblings and useless posts. A site that will be filled with Mayer references, inside jokes, and a lot of talk, that will hopefully lead to action. My summer is over, and while the leaves haven't started to change yet, it's time for me to make a change, and jump into the wind of the "real world". I've had enough time to sit around and enough time to enjoy myself. It's time to get started. It's time for me to start running towards my goals.
What are these goals? Ultimately, I love to write. I want to get into something where I can actually use my writing. But I also love to talk, and ideally, if I woke up one day and the King from those burger commercials asked me to choose any job instead of the usual sandwiches he hands out, I would answer: "I want to host a TV Show that deals with entertainment and music or sports." If the King could grant me that wish, I'd be there tomorrow.
Things don't work that way, but I'm ready to climb the ladder and at least give it a shot. So watch out for my name, somewhere. I've got ambition like I've never had it before, through lessons and second chances. Why not give it a shot?
Until then, I'll be around, writing to you and giving you updates on my life, the things I love, and plenty of other useless ramblings.

Before I go, re-read the Mayer quote at the beginning. It's straight up wise. Life flies by, but the past is behind us. That girl who didn't have a clue before it was too late? She's in the past. Ladies, the same goes for guys who blew you off. Those tests you stressed out over so badly when you waited 'til the last minute to study? Gone. Done. It's time to move forward. It's time to take the long life you have ahead of you and to enjoy it. Live it up, and have fun with it on the way.
Bottom line, "You can let the past make who you are today, but don't let it break who you could be tomorrow"--Drew Sykes
I'll be in touch.