This post is gonna make me sound like the huge nerd that I am, but whatever. As a lot of you know, I'm a huge Stephen King fan. I've read several of his novels, and for the last three months, I've really been into his "Dark Tower" series. It's a collection of seven books that he wrote over a period of almost 30 years, so it's quite a read.
The cool thing is that he incorporates worlds and characters from his other stories, so that they either have roles or are referenced in different points throughout the seven books. While the gunslinger Roland and his friends travel, King also throws in objects from pop culture, like the song "Hey Jude" by the Beatles, as well as several references to Star Wars, Harry Potter, and comic books. These references are great, because I've read enough King and seen enough movies to kind of freak out a little every time he drops one in the plot. It's pretty much amazing.
I'm currently reading the seventh and final novel of the series, "The Dark Tower". It's the longest one yet, weighing in at over 1,000 pages, and it's taking me longer than the rest as well, because, like the characters on their journey, it's as if the book itself has become my tower to overcome.
There's not much more reading, and once I'm done, I'm not exactly sure what I'm gonna work on next, but I've grown attached to the characters of these novels like never before. It's kinda funny, because I've even gotten to the point of thinking about them as I go through my daily routine, and even trying to think about what they would do in certain situations I get into. Weird, right?
Anyway, I'm almost done, and as I approach the Tower in the final novel, I've really been thinking about what "Tower" lies ahead of me in the near future. We're always pursuing something, right? Girls, fitness, jobs, etc. For me right now, I know that my "Tower" deals with getting a resume together and finally applying to jobs on my career path. It's always on the back of the mind, but for me, it's proven to be a difficult task. But hey, if Roland and his crew can reach the Tower in the books, then I'm sure I can get through the field of roses and get to my own...
Here we go.
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