Went to Chapel Hill for a lil day trip yesterday. REALLY wanted to go to the Planetarium with Amanda because we both had the day off and it was kinda gloomy, but we got there and they weren't having any shows. I looked at the hours online and saw that they were open, but my genius brain didn't think to look at the SHOW schedule.
Even though we didn't get to sit back and stare at the [fake but awesome] stars, we appreciated having a little getaway for the afternoon.
Franklin Street was quiet because the students are out of town and the summer camps and sessions haven't started yet. We walked around for a while and went in a few shops along the way and just ENJOYED the day. It was nice doing what we wanted without worrying about agendas or having to be anywhere. (Think "Nothin' to do/Nowhere to be/A simple little kind of free...) It was a cool day around a quiet campus and it was relaxing.
We made it back to my car after a few hours of roaming and decided to head to Raleigh. The city has been calling my name for a while because I haven't been in months, and I have to get my fix of nostalgia from the place every now and then. Since we were SO close, I offered to take Amanda to Pullen Park, which I figured would be a great area to have a romantic little walk. There's a cool duck pond there, some nice trails, paddle boats, and a train, and I've been wanting to take her there for a while. Seemed like the perfect opportunity. And then I drove by it on Western Blvd. Just like the Planetarium, it was CLOSED! And not only closed for the day, but until SUMMER 2011! The ponds were drained and they're renovating the whole park! I was bummed because I was 0-2 on the day in attractions AND because we wouldn't be able to go there until NEXT YEAR.
But ah well, right? Bottom line is that we were out of town together and having fun...and right down the street from the Village Draft House, one of my favorite restaurants in town and one that has special meaning to me in that I used to go every first night of every semester in school.
And did I mention it's also home to THE greatest fried pickle chips in the world? If you didn't know, you know now. These things would make Atheists believe in a Higher Power. Not lying. Ship a few boxes over to the leaders of Al Qaeda and they'll quit burning our flag and start flying it over their caves. If you've never been and if you're ever passing through Raleigh, stop by and at least get some to go, because they're unreal.
Whew, done with the pickle spiel, but anyway, we had a nice early dinner on the patio of the Draft House and soaked in a little evening sun before we hit the road back to Greensboro. I love taking Amanda to the area any chance I get, and I loved being there, even just for a meal. I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to call anybody while we were there, but it was such a short trip that it would've made it even harder to leave. So if any of my Raleigh people read this (Phil Jones), I'm sorry. I will get down there and kick it with y'all soon.
I drove us down Hillsborough Street after dinner as we left town and admired my school in the late sunlight. It was a little more hectic than Franklin St because of all the construction, but it was and always will be beautiful in my eyes. The smells and sounds and paths at NC State will always bring me the mixed emotions of happy memories and the bittersweet feeling of moving on in life, which I'm sure will increase as my time away increases from the two years I'm sitting on right now.
Once we passed State, I stopped at a gas station for some drinks for the ride home. The old guy working there was asked me how I was doing and I said "Good", hesitated, and said, "but kinda sad. I used to live here and I'm just passing through this evening. I miss it."
He asked me, "How long did you live here?"
"Five years," I said.
He smiled and said, "That's not THAT long."
I laughed and said, "Yeah, you're right, you're right, I guess it's not."
I paid for my drinks and got back in the car with a smile on because he was right. In the scheme of LIFE, 5 years can seem like forever, but it's not. Raleigh gave me 5 amazing years, and I'll always love it, but that's only a fifth of my now 25-year-old and growing self. I'm climbing new steps and sharing it with others and moving FORWARD. It's pretty cool.
After this, the drive back was easy. Interstate 40 West to Greensboro is always a good drive, but these days it's better when I have Amanda with me. It's a part of my life I'll always want to share, and it'll always be there whenever I want to go back.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010
"Sprummer" Song Flashback v.2:2005.
"Sprummer" song number two takes us back to the spring semester of 2005 at NC State. The choice, which will be obvious to some of my friends: "Hate it or Love it" by The Game ft. 50 Cent.
THIS song got played multiple times a day, whether we were just chillin' or getting ready to go out, or already out. The beat is cool and it feels like summer, and the lyrics "Hate it or love it, the underdog's on top/and I'm gonna shine, homey, until my heart stop" grabbed our attention because they were catchy, and for some odd reason, we felt like we could relate to them, being the 20-year-old party-searching college kids that we were. We were at the end of our second year of school, and NOTHING was gonna hold us back from being on top and in the spotlight.
Hearing this one IMMEDIATELY takes me back to spontaneous parties at Uhouse and cookouts and getting ready for Buffett at Phi Tau. It was probably my least productive but most fun semester at school. My priorities were kinda mixed, but I learned a lot in the non-school categories of life in those months.
We'd make it to Thursdays and the weekend would begin, and there was ALWAYS something going on. If we couldn't find anything, we'd make it happen ourselves, usually at Uhouse, which often ended with calls to PizzAmerica, trips down (or sitting on) Tryon, and even one time with a certain "mace incident" that turned out pretttttty crazy. Whether you were a friend or a stranger, there was always a couch or a floor to crash on in time to sleep in for whatever happened next.
Nights that didn't end up at Uhouse brought us to Phi Tau, where by this time of the year we were STRONGLY gearing up and getting hype for our annual Buffett party. The hot days lead to cool nights of bamboo harvesting for the fence we built around the back deck, and closer to party day, we covered the whole downstairs with sand. Our house became a beach in Raleigh, and when the big night came, we had a line of people stretching down the block waiting to get inside. I'll never forget weaving the bamboo through the fence, or watching brothers direct traffic and stop Wolfline busses in front of the house. The band was also killer, and we were definitely on top that night, celebrating what turned out to be our last Buffett party, because we haven't had one since.
It's CRAZY hard to believe all of this was FIVE years ago, but anytime I hear this song, I think about all the fun we had that semester. I can't take 50 Cent seriously at all anymore, and I don't like his new stuff, but I still rock out to this one with the windows down, especially at sunset in these beautiful "sprummer" evenings...
PS: Thanks to Ryan Daniels for playing this song into the ground.
THIS song got played multiple times a day, whether we were just chillin' or getting ready to go out, or already out. The beat is cool and it feels like summer, and the lyrics "Hate it or love it, the underdog's on top/and I'm gonna shine, homey, until my heart stop" grabbed our attention because they were catchy, and for some odd reason, we felt like we could relate to them, being the 20-year-old party-searching college kids that we were. We were at the end of our second year of school, and NOTHING was gonna hold us back from being on top and in the spotlight.
Hearing this one IMMEDIATELY takes me back to spontaneous parties at Uhouse and cookouts and getting ready for Buffett at Phi Tau. It was probably my least productive but most fun semester at school. My priorities were kinda mixed, but I learned a lot in the non-school categories of life in those months.
We'd make it to Thursdays and the weekend would begin, and there was ALWAYS something going on. If we couldn't find anything, we'd make it happen ourselves, usually at Uhouse, which often ended with calls to PizzAmerica, trips down (or sitting on) Tryon, and even one time with a certain "mace incident" that turned out pretttttty crazy. Whether you were a friend or a stranger, there was always a couch or a floor to crash on in time to sleep in for whatever happened next.
Nights that didn't end up at Uhouse brought us to Phi Tau, where by this time of the year we were STRONGLY gearing up and getting hype for our annual Buffett party. The hot days lead to cool nights of bamboo harvesting for the fence we built around the back deck, and closer to party day, we covered the whole downstairs with sand. Our house became a beach in Raleigh, and when the big night came, we had a line of people stretching down the block waiting to get inside. I'll never forget weaving the bamboo through the fence, or watching brothers direct traffic and stop Wolfline busses in front of the house. The band was also killer, and we were definitely on top that night, celebrating what turned out to be our last Buffett party, because we haven't had one since.
It's CRAZY hard to believe all of this was FIVE years ago, but anytime I hear this song, I think about all the fun we had that semester. I can't take 50 Cent seriously at all anymore, and I don't like his new stuff, but I still rock out to this one with the windows down, especially at sunset in these beautiful "sprummer" evenings...
PS: Thanks to Ryan Daniels for playing this song into the ground.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
My sipster.
Carra came through Greensboro last night on her way to Florida for the summer. She's set to intern for the non-profit organization, To Write Love On Her Arms, or TWLOHA.
The group's mission statement says "To Write Love on Her Arms is a non-profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury and suicide. TWLOHA exists to encourage, inform, inspire and also to invest directly into treatment and recovery."
Now, I've always been a proud brother, but as she continues to find herself in the world, it amazes me to see the constant good she does for others. I've had my share of struggles in the past, and battles with things I'm still fighting today, and she's always been there to help me out or listen when I needed her. Even though I'm the big brother, I look up to her in a lot of ways. It's pretty cool knowing that she's taking this goodness and will to help into a bigger picture. She's helped me and helped others, and I KNOW she's gonna change lives this summer.
Here's a video of her about the chapter she started at VCU, as well as an explanation of what they do through TWLOHA:
Watching this and knowing Carra, I am super-excited for what she and the group will accomplish this summer. It's a great opportunity, and I'm happy for all of the lives that will be changed for the better from their work. Might even save a few...
Gonna miss her, but I'm proud!
The group's mission statement says "To Write Love on Her Arms is a non-profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury and suicide. TWLOHA exists to encourage, inform, inspire and also to invest directly into treatment and recovery."
Now, I've always been a proud brother, but as she continues to find herself in the world, it amazes me to see the constant good she does for others. I've had my share of struggles in the past, and battles with things I'm still fighting today, and she's always been there to help me out or listen when I needed her. Even though I'm the big brother, I look up to her in a lot of ways. It's pretty cool knowing that she's taking this goodness and will to help into a bigger picture. She's helped me and helped others, and I KNOW she's gonna change lives this summer.
Here's a video of her about the chapter she started at VCU, as well as an explanation of what they do through TWLOHA:
Watching this and knowing Carra, I am super-excited for what she and the group will accomplish this summer. It's a great opportunity, and I'm happy for all of the lives that will be changed for the better from their work. Might even save a few...
Gonna miss her, but I'm proud!
Monday, May 10, 2010
"Sprummer" Song Flashback v.1:2004.
Spring and early May have gotten me super-nostalgic since I started and finished college. This time of year always takes me back to cookouts, longer days, volleyball, and end-of-year parties. I don't miss the exams, but I miss the fun that we had in completing another school year and gearing up for summertime.
Besides the weather, I associate certain songs with this time of year as well. My friends and I all had a song or two that we'd play to the GROUND for different seasons, and the ones in the spring really stand out for me today. Everybody has songs that take them back to certain times in their lives, such as relationships with friends and lovers or different good and bad experiences. It's a cool concept, and something that gets me EVERYTIME I hear these songs.
All of this being said, I want to showcase these "Sprummer" (Spring into Summer) songs that range from spring of my freshman year to today. I'll still write other blogs, but I'm definitely gonna feature one for every year since 2004. It's gonna be YOUR job to tell me where these songs take YOU.
SO, for song number one, I'll take you back to the end of my freshman year at NC State with: "I Believe in a Thing Called Love" by The Darkness.
Remember this one? Haha...the first time I heard this song was when I saw the music video on vh1, and I remember thinking, "What the hell IS this?!" And then it grew on me. Like crazy. It was one of those songs I liked but didn't want to admit until I found out other people felt the same way, haha (still trying to get over that with certain music today). The video is hilarious and the style of the music and the band is really old-school modern. I heard it today when I was riding around town in my car and it IMMEDIATELY took me back to the end of my time in Owen Hall at NC State.
Hearing it again reminded me of living in the dorm and always leaving the door to our room open. We were all friends by the end of the year, and everybody came and went to hang out in every room as we pleased. We'd all survived our first year of college, and taken a HUGE step forward from being 18 year-old kids to 19 year-old adults. There was more of a swagger in all of our steps, and we all had places to be and things to do that last month of school. Bulk party-hopping and trips to the dining hall were everyday occurances, and we embraced as much of the end of the year as we could.
The last night in the dorm began with the final episode of "Friends" being aired, and a trip driving around town and getting lost in my old Explorer. We smoked cigarettes and rocked some tunes with the windows down and really tried to BREATHE Raleigh in one more time before we all left for summer. Our first year was under our belts, and we all felt bigger for it.

Things changed as we all went on to live in separate places, but a lot of us stayed in touch. Whether we hung out a lot or only saw each other out and about, our time in Owen Hall always brought us together, and the music from those days will always take me back to those fun times.
Nothin' like the O.H.
Besides the weather, I associate certain songs with this time of year as well. My friends and I all had a song or two that we'd play to the GROUND for different seasons, and the ones in the spring really stand out for me today. Everybody has songs that take them back to certain times in their lives, such as relationships with friends and lovers or different good and bad experiences. It's a cool concept, and something that gets me EVERYTIME I hear these songs.
All of this being said, I want to showcase these "Sprummer" (Spring into Summer) songs that range from spring of my freshman year to today. I'll still write other blogs, but I'm definitely gonna feature one for every year since 2004. It's gonna be YOUR job to tell me where these songs take YOU.
SO, for song number one, I'll take you back to the end of my freshman year at NC State with: "I Believe in a Thing Called Love" by The Darkness.
Remember this one? Haha...the first time I heard this song was when I saw the music video on vh1, and I remember thinking, "What the hell IS this?!" And then it grew on me. Like crazy. It was one of those songs I liked but didn't want to admit until I found out other people felt the same way, haha (still trying to get over that with certain music today). The video is hilarious and the style of the music and the band is really old-school modern. I heard it today when I was riding around town in my car and it IMMEDIATELY took me back to the end of my time in Owen Hall at NC State.
Hearing it again reminded me of living in the dorm and always leaving the door to our room open. We were all friends by the end of the year, and everybody came and went to hang out in every room as we pleased. We'd all survived our first year of college, and taken a HUGE step forward from being 18 year-old kids to 19 year-old adults. There was more of a swagger in all of our steps, and we all had places to be and things to do that last month of school. Bulk party-hopping and trips to the dining hall were everyday occurances, and we embraced as much of the end of the year as we could.
The last night in the dorm began with the final episode of "Friends" being aired, and a trip driving around town and getting lost in my old Explorer. We smoked cigarettes and rocked some tunes with the windows down and really tried to BREATHE Raleigh in one more time before we all left for summer. Our first year was under our belts, and we all felt bigger for it.

Things changed as we all went on to live in separate places, but a lot of us stayed in touch. Whether we hung out a lot or only saw each other out and about, our time in Owen Hall always brought us together, and the music from those days will always take me back to those fun times.
Nothin' like the O.H.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Birthday Bowling.
Went out last night for the finale of my 25th birthday celebrations. What'd I do, you ask?
The idea to do this popped in my head back in February and stuck with me since. Instead of hitting the town again, I just wanted to bowl, have a few beers, and eat some nachos.
Now, I've played plenty of Wii bowling in the last few years, but I haven't REAL PEOPLE bowled in over two years, and well, it kinda showed (not that I was ever any good before). My total in 3 games came out to my average total in one Wii game. I'm not gonna throw any numbers out to ya, but think about that.
OK, so I bowled a 45 in one game. That's all I'm saying, haha. ALMOST broke 100 once too...almost.
But who cares, right? Because it was killer fun. Had a few brews at the alley and dug into some nachos while they blared old-school hip-hop through the speakers and turned up the blacklights for cosmic bowling. While I didn't learn anything to improve my game, I definitely know it's something I wanna do again soon.
Until then, back to the Wii for some practice...
The idea to do this popped in my head back in February and stuck with me since. Instead of hitting the town again, I just wanted to bowl, have a few beers, and eat some nachos.
Now, I've played plenty of Wii bowling in the last few years, but I haven't REAL PEOPLE bowled in over two years, and well, it kinda showed (not that I was ever any good before). My total in 3 games came out to my average total in one Wii game. I'm not gonna throw any numbers out to ya, but think about that.
OK, so I bowled a 45 in one game. That's all I'm saying, haha. ALMOST broke 100 once too...almost.
But who cares, right? Because it was killer fun. Had a few brews at the alley and dug into some nachos while they blared old-school hip-hop through the speakers and turned up the blacklights for cosmic bowling. While I didn't learn anything to improve my game, I definitely know it's something I wanna do again soon.
Until then, back to the Wii for some practice...
Friday, May 7, 2010
Quarter-century. Wow.

Can't BELIEVE the birthday has already come and gone, but it was a great one, and I feel like I definitely brought 25 in on a positive note.
Started the day early because I had to take my car to the VW shop to get a few things fixed. Even though I'd stayed up late the night before, it felt good getting up when I did because there's always some air of excitement surrounding your birthday. You know what I'm talking about, right? Sleep and fatigue are erased by that good feeling of it being the day you were brought into this crazy world. Of course, I could look at it differently as I get older, but I'd like to think I'll always feel this way!
Anyway, rolled over in bed, turned on my light, and hooked my iPod into my speakers so I could start 25 off with my song, "Clarity". Turned it up right in my ears and eased outta bed with a smile on my face. I knew it was gonna be a great day, and got up feeling like 25 is gonna be a great age.
Had my coffee, took my car in, and stopped by Walgreen's on my way home to pick up a new razor. Walked in the store with my mom, and BAM, the snare-drum kickoff of "Bigger than my Body" started blaring through the store speakers! Of course I got hype, because it was playing on my b'day, and I like to interpret events like these as happening for a reason, as big or small as they may be. However you look at it, it made me happy for about four minutes.
The razor-buying end of the store experience also made me smile, because the one I wanted was locked in a cabinet, so I had to push a button for customer service. As soon as I pushed it, the loudspeaker stated, "Customer service needed in the shave aisle. Customer service needed in the shave aisle. Thank you." Now, there's really nothing funny about that, but what if they had these buttons in every section of the store. The drug store. Where people go to buy personal items they don't necessarily want the staff and patrons to know about. Can you picture it? Haha, NOW it's funny, even though these buttons don't exist (I'm 12 at heart). Ah well...
After customer service unlocked my new Shick Hydro 5 Blade Men's Razor (tm), I walked to the register with my mom and pulled out my wallet to pay, but she beat me to it, and said "I'll get it." That was very cool, of course, but I hadn't shaved in a while, so I probably looked like some pubescent kid getting his first razor with his mom for his first shave. Cute, eh?
Came home, showered, and shaved after Walgreens, and I must say that my Hydro-shave experience was DELIGHTFUL. No irritation. Then Amanda came over and we ate un petit dejeuner (breakfast in French...gotta be cultured at 25) of cereal before I had to go to work at 10:30. She brought a baller personalized balloon for me and a button saying "Birthday Boy" she wanted me to wear for the day, so, of course, I put it on.
I definitely didn't mind heading to work on my birthday, because it was a short lunch shift, and sadly one day I'll have to work a full day when I have a big-boy job and it falls during the week. Got there and it was a pretty relaxed day, but I was distracted. It probably wasn't my BEST day of serving, but I had fun with it, because it was my BIRTHDAY, and it went by really fast. Got a few "Happy Birthday" wishes, but the button didn't really help my tips. Ah well, haha.
Amanda came over again after work and we went to McCoul's for a late lunch. Sat outside in the beautiful afternoon sun and enjoyed lunch in a bustling downtown Greensboro where we witnessed a marching band heading down the street and saw a protest in front of the Police station. Gotta love Cinco de Mayo.
From here we went on to pick up coffee and head to a local park where she practiced for a final performance she had the next day. It was really nice relaxing in the sun for a bit, and catching up for the night ahead.
As always, time flew, and faster than normal since it was my birthday. We realized it was time for dinner, so we head on back home where Mom and Dad were cooking it UP!
Since I'm still staying away from meat, I had Dad grill up some Jerk Salmon. I'm also a HUGE fan of classic, cheap, yellow Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, so I had Mom make some of that, as well as some home-made fried okra. Amanda chipped in and made one of her sweet "Amanda salads" as well, and dinner was GREAT! We ate on the porch and it was really nice getting to sit and talk about life and birthdays and the world for a while.

They brought a cake out after dinner and were about to sing when Carra called from Richmond. I picked up really quick and put her on speaker and told her to sing with everyone since she couldn't be here. It was really cool having the 'rents, the girlfriend, AND the sister (from afar) there at that moment. Missed ya, Carra, but was glad to talk for a few!
We went inside when we were done and I opened gifts with a toast of champagne. Got the new USA World Cup jersey from my parents, as well as a reminder that they're helping fuel my Mayer concert experience this summer, which is awesome, and a really cool mixture of movies and music from Amanda! She also made me my first-ever tribute video, which was a REALLY cool surprise! Check it out:
Let me know if ya learned something! I know I did, haha.
Anyway, time kept flying, and Amanda and I head on to Sticks and Stones for b'day celebration with friends. Several folks were already waiting to celebrate when we got there, and a few others showed up for what turned out to be an AMAZING night!
We stayed at Sticks 'til it closed, and just hung on the patio. It was beautiful out! The stars were shining and the weather was RIGHT. It was nice just HANGIN' with my work friends OUTSIDE of work, and cool that Brooke, Tommy, and Plumlee showed up as well.

From there we went on to Wahoo's where we owned the back corner for the evening and continued to chill. My friends played Mayer for me on the jukebox, as well as Bobby Brown's "On Our Own", the theme from Ghostbusters 2, which will ALWAYS be a classic in my heart, haha.

I got to visit with everyone for a bit, and really appreciated everyone coming out that night. If any of you read this, thanks again for everything!
Closing time came too quick, but Amanda and I met Brooke and Tommy at Herbie's to end the night. It was poppin' in there, but we got a table and I dug into an egg and cheese biscuit with a side of fries. It was delicious.
We finally parted ways close to four, and Amanda took me home to crash. It was a GREAT birthday, and I couldn't be more thankful for my friends (near and far), my family (near and far), and my girlfriend (who puts up with me on celebration nights, and dang, every night).
We're set to do a little more celebrating this weekend, but I must say that I have a REALLY good feeling about the age of 25. I'm looking forward to everything I can accomplish at this level, and to everything I'll learn in my NEXT quarter-life, as far away as that is right now...
(or is it?)

Can't BELIEVE the birthday has already come and gone, but it was a great one, and I feel like I definitely brought 25 in on a positive note.
Started the day early because I had to take my car to the VW shop to get a few things fixed. Even though I'd stayed up late the night before, it felt good getting up when I did because there's always some air of excitement surrounding your birthday. You know what I'm talking about, right? Sleep and fatigue are erased by that good feeling of it being the day you were brought into this crazy world. Of course, I could look at it differently as I get older, but I'd like to think I'll always feel this way!
Anyway, rolled over in bed, turned on my light, and hooked my iPod into my speakers so I could start 25 off with my song, "Clarity". Turned it up right in my ears and eased outta bed with a smile on my face. I knew it was gonna be a great day, and got up feeling like 25 is gonna be a great age.
Had my coffee, took my car in, and stopped by Walgreen's on my way home to pick up a new razor. Walked in the store with my mom, and BAM, the snare-drum kickoff of "Bigger than my Body" started blaring through the store speakers! Of course I got hype, because it was playing on my b'day, and I like to interpret events like these as happening for a reason, as big or small as they may be. However you look at it, it made me happy for about four minutes.
The razor-buying end of the store experience also made me smile, because the one I wanted was locked in a cabinet, so I had to push a button for customer service. As soon as I pushed it, the loudspeaker stated, "Customer service needed in the shave aisle. Customer service needed in the shave aisle. Thank you." Now, there's really nothing funny about that, but what if they had these buttons in every section of the store. The drug store. Where people go to buy personal items they don't necessarily want the staff and patrons to know about. Can you picture it? Haha, NOW it's funny, even though these buttons don't exist (I'm 12 at heart). Ah well...
After customer service unlocked my new Shick Hydro 5 Blade Men's Razor (tm), I walked to the register with my mom and pulled out my wallet to pay, but she beat me to it, and said "I'll get it." That was very cool, of course, but I hadn't shaved in a while, so I probably looked like some pubescent kid getting his first razor with his mom for his first shave. Cute, eh?
Came home, showered, and shaved after Walgreens, and I must say that my Hydro-shave experience was DELIGHTFUL. No irritation. Then Amanda came over and we ate un petit dejeuner (breakfast in French...gotta be cultured at 25) of cereal before I had to go to work at 10:30. She brought a baller personalized balloon for me and a button saying "Birthday Boy" she wanted me to wear for the day, so, of course, I put it on.
I definitely didn't mind heading to work on my birthday, because it was a short lunch shift, and sadly one day I'll have to work a full day when I have a big-boy job and it falls during the week. Got there and it was a pretty relaxed day, but I was distracted. It probably wasn't my BEST day of serving, but I had fun with it, because it was my BIRTHDAY, and it went by really fast. Got a few "Happy Birthday" wishes, but the button didn't really help my tips. Ah well, haha.
Amanda came over again after work and we went to McCoul's for a late lunch. Sat outside in the beautiful afternoon sun and enjoyed lunch in a bustling downtown Greensboro where we witnessed a marching band heading down the street and saw a protest in front of the Police station. Gotta love Cinco de Mayo.
From here we went on to pick up coffee and head to a local park where she practiced for a final performance she had the next day. It was really nice relaxing in the sun for a bit, and catching up for the night ahead.
As always, time flew, and faster than normal since it was my birthday. We realized it was time for dinner, so we head on back home where Mom and Dad were cooking it UP!
Since I'm still staying away from meat, I had Dad grill up some Jerk Salmon. I'm also a HUGE fan of classic, cheap, yellow Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, so I had Mom make some of that, as well as some home-made fried okra. Amanda chipped in and made one of her sweet "Amanda salads" as well, and dinner was GREAT! We ate on the porch and it was really nice getting to sit and talk about life and birthdays and the world for a while.

They brought a cake out after dinner and were about to sing when Carra called from Richmond. I picked up really quick and put her on speaker and told her to sing with everyone since she couldn't be here. It was really cool having the 'rents, the girlfriend, AND the sister (from afar) there at that moment. Missed ya, Carra, but was glad to talk for a few!
We went inside when we were done and I opened gifts with a toast of champagne. Got the new USA World Cup jersey from my parents, as well as a reminder that they're helping fuel my Mayer concert experience this summer, which is awesome, and a really cool mixture of movies and music from Amanda! She also made me my first-ever tribute video, which was a REALLY cool surprise! Check it out:
Let me know if ya learned something! I know I did, haha.
Anyway, time kept flying, and Amanda and I head on to Sticks and Stones for b'day celebration with friends. Several folks were already waiting to celebrate when we got there, and a few others showed up for what turned out to be an AMAZING night!
We stayed at Sticks 'til it closed, and just hung on the patio. It was beautiful out! The stars were shining and the weather was RIGHT. It was nice just HANGIN' with my work friends OUTSIDE of work, and cool that Brooke, Tommy, and Plumlee showed up as well.

From there we went on to Wahoo's where we owned the back corner for the evening and continued to chill. My friends played Mayer for me on the jukebox, as well as Bobby Brown's "On Our Own", the theme from Ghostbusters 2, which will ALWAYS be a classic in my heart, haha.

I got to visit with everyone for a bit, and really appreciated everyone coming out that night. If any of you read this, thanks again for everything!
Closing time came too quick, but Amanda and I met Brooke and Tommy at Herbie's to end the night. It was poppin' in there, but we got a table and I dug into an egg and cheese biscuit with a side of fries. It was delicious.
We finally parted ways close to four, and Amanda took me home to crash. It was a GREAT birthday, and I couldn't be more thankful for my friends (near and far), my family (near and far), and my girlfriend (who puts up with me on celebration nights, and dang, every night).
We're set to do a little more celebrating this weekend, but I must say that I have a REALLY good feeling about the age of 25. I'm looking forward to everything I can accomplish at this level, and to everything I'll learn in my NEXT quarter-life, as far away as that is right now...
(or is it?)
Monday, May 3, 2010
Goals and such.
It's May. Already. Lots of good to come from that though. I mean, come on, it's my BIRTHDAY month!
Anyway, I've got some big changes coming up soon with school starting in July, and it's my goal to myself and to YOU to make sure I soak in as much of the everyday present as I can between now and then. I'm super-excited for starting something new but bummed about leaving something I've grown to love in the meantime.
SO, this being said, it's my GOAL to write three blogs a week until school starts. That's two and a half months of three blogs a week. Not too bad, eh? Yes, I'm counting this one (I know it's a proposal blog, but take 'em as they come...they'll all be different). We'll see if I stick to it, and I'll give a final report on it all the week before classes to see how I did!
As for this first one, it's 2 days 'til my 25 b'day and my emotions are conflicted between excitement and the reality that I've lived a quarter century. Don't wanna call it a quarter-life crisis YET, but we'll see how I move as I get through it, haha...
Anyway, It should be a pretty fun week, and if I go by my promise, I'll be in touch with you soon!
It's May. Already. Lots of good to come from that though. I mean, come on, it's my BIRTHDAY month!
Anyway, I've got some big changes coming up soon with school starting in July, and it's my goal to myself and to YOU to make sure I soak in as much of the everyday present as I can between now and then. I'm super-excited for starting something new but bummed about leaving something I've grown to love in the meantime.
SO, this being said, it's my GOAL to write three blogs a week until school starts. That's two and a half months of three blogs a week. Not too bad, eh? Yes, I'm counting this one (I know it's a proposal blog, but take 'em as they come...they'll all be different). We'll see if I stick to it, and I'll give a final report on it all the week before classes to see how I did!
As for this first one, it's 2 days 'til my 25 b'day and my emotions are conflicted between excitement and the reality that I've lived a quarter century. Don't wanna call it a quarter-life crisis YET, but we'll see how I move as I get through it, haha...
Anyway, It should be a pretty fun week, and if I go by my promise, I'll be in touch with you soon!
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