Sunday, May 9, 2010

Birthday Bowling.

Went out last night for the finale of my 25th birthday celebrations. What'd I do, you ask?


The idea to do this popped in my head back in February and stuck with me since. Instead of hitting the town again, I just wanted to bowl, have a few beers, and eat some nachos.

Now, I've played plenty of Wii bowling in the last few years, but I haven't REAL PEOPLE bowled in over two years, and well, it kinda showed (not that I was ever any good before). My total in 3 games came out to my average total in one Wii game. I'm not gonna throw any numbers out to ya, but think about that.

OK, so I bowled a 45 in one game. That's all I'm saying, haha. ALMOST broke 100 once too...almost.

But who cares, right? Because it was killer fun. Had a few brews at the alley and dug into some nachos while they blared old-school hip-hop through the speakers and turned up the blacklights for cosmic bowling. While I didn't learn anything to improve my game, I definitely know it's something I wanna do again soon.

Until then, back to the Wii for some practice...

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