Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy 2009.

2009? What?!? I'm sure you're just as amazed as I am that it's already here, right? And I really wanna talk about it, but I don't want to leave '08 hanging in the wind without giving it some credit first.

Before I get started on this, I want to explain how I'm going to review the previous year. I saw "Marley and Me" the other night, and it was great. I laughed throughout the whole movie, and of course, cried my eyes out at the end. I think the crying part is pretty much a given, no matter who you are, because it's a movie about a dog. That's just how it is. Kill a hundred humans in a movie and leave with the need for some visine. Have one dog die and give me a box of Kleenex. Please.

Anyway, the movie was great, and the main character/author of the book that inspired the movie was a columnist for the Miami Sun-Sentinel. Watching the film, I realized that that would be one of the coolest jobs, because he gets paid to write about pretty much anything he wants to write. There was about a five minute montage at one point in which he just quick-narrated all of the things he was writing about in his column, which included places he went, things with his family, and of course, Marley. He went over a few years pretty rapid-fire, but still managed to give all the imnportant highlights. So, in honor of that scene in "Marley and Me" (I'm telling you, take some Kleenex with you when you go) and for 2008, here's my typed out montage of the previous year. Here we go:

January came, I thought "Wow, 2008?". Said goodbye to my sister for a while. Brought it in with my cousin. Lit up the back porch. Started my last semester. Three lit classes, screenwriting, French? Wasn't excited. Ended up loving it. Came home a few times. Drove past Raleigh to the beach on a whim by myself after listening to "Why Georgia". Sat by the waves and under the stars for an hour. Had the one-year anniversary of my second chance. February was a short month but a day longer. Got a new tat, but no one really knew. Leap day was great. Did my own thing. March started with spring break at Myrtle. Ate Dodge's. Smoked cigars. Drank Cherry Lemon Sundrop. Spent Easter with my family. Was humbled on March 28, but realized second chances really DO happen. Still missed my sister, but April was already here. School was almost over and I didn't want it to end. Played volleyball when it was warm out. Played some more when it got hot. Finished my screenplay. I'll edit it and submit it one of these days. Sis got home at the end of the month. I picked up the fam at the airport. And then it was May. Had my last final on the first, got a tat on the third, turned 23 on the fifth. My birthday was great. Invited a lotta people out, and a lotta people showed. Even my French teacher. It was awesome. Graduated on the tenth. I couldn't believe it was over. Said goodbye to some people and tried to move on. Had two weeks to chill, then it was back to Colorado. Airport. Nervous. New people. Amazing. Back to Frontier, back to Ropes. Saw some kids from the year before, and 2,000 new ones. Made new friends. Slap, slap, slap, JUMP SPIN. Saw some sunrises. Learned how to BREATHE again. Said goodbye to new friends. Got home. I missed it. I still miss it. Moved out of Raleigh. My room was messy, so it took a while. Went to DC. Kicked it with Alisha and saw Beckham play. Mad hugs. "Where the Light is" came out. Bought it on day one. Went to ATL, year two. The Braves lost to the Astros, but that was normal this year. Drove to the beach in the pouring rain. Chilled at the beach for two weeks with the fam. It was relaxing. I love the ocean. Went to DC in the middle weekend. Saw Mayer for the ninth time with RD, second row. Sick concert, of course. Drove back to the beach 8 hours south. Enjoyed my last week there. Came home, went to Durham. Kicked it with some Frontier kids. Went to Austin for Chamblee's bachelor party. 08-08-08. Gravity. Braces. Sixth Street. Lake Travis. I love the city. Hank Moody is the man. Came home, but I wanted to stay. Saw Mayer for the tenth time. Met him again. Made him LAUGH. Played best man for a weekend. Was truly honored. Felt like one of the family. I miss that couple too. Mayer XI was next in the rain. Best show ever. Gravity, Clarity, Wheel. Went to the mountains with mom and the uncles. Suddenly it was September. Started off on a great note. Asked a girl out. She said yes. I knew September would be good. I was right. Got a job at Sticks and Stones. Thomas got married. Went to Raleigh and it was October. Saw State lose. And again. And again. Saw them win. Went to the fair. The Caldwell/Sumner was great. November flew too, and grandma cooked for Turkey day. I loved the leftovers. Then it was December, and I went to LA. Car broke down at the airport. Made my flight. Saw Mayer XII, met some great Mayer-heads, and caught my first sunset over the ocean. Clarity. Came home, fixed the car, and then it was Christmas. It was great, but it happened too fast. Kind of like 2008. Can't wait to see what's next...

WHEW. So there's my 2008 montage for you guys. If you didn't hear my voice when you read it, go back and read it again, without pausing, rapid-fire. Thanks.

As for 2009, I'm not coming in with any crazy resolutions this time around, but I'm looking forward to whatever happens. If '08 was any indication of how this year will be, I know things will work out how they should. I've definitely got faith on that one.

So from me to you, I hope 2009 turns out to be the best year of your life. Keep trucking, and live it up as you go! Report back to me this time next year to let me know how it was, ok? Better yet, tell me as we go, because I plan on being around in some way, shape, or form. Cheers.


PS: Here's "Montage 2008: The Pictures" if you need a little visual aid...

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