Monday, July 12, 2010

Creativity Returns...

I start grad school in two weeks. I’ve been out of school for TWO YEARS. Both of these facts seem unbelievable to me.

Never thought I’d go to grad school. I always figured the last time I’d apply to college was when I was 17 and deciding between State and Carolina. Even with a degree fresh off the press and in hand two years ago, I never thought I would apply.

But as time keeps moving, things keep changing.

I’ve had some down time today and I decided to look back over a handful of blogs I wrote in the months before college graduation. I’ve said it before and I’ll probably say it again: I was the same, but I was different.

It was refreshing to read the old material. I was going through a lot of different things at the time, but I had this confident outlook on everything. Something I always focused on at the time was moving FORWARD and picking up new experiences while avoiding the temptation and comfort of falling back to different lows and still points. Since then, this philosophy has become something I try to live by, and it can still be a struggle for me from time to time.

I really do want to write more. I say this all the time, but I really FEEL it now. Until the beach, inspiration to write has been kind of tough for me lately. Don’t know why exactly, except that I see it as working out or playing an instrument: the more you do it, the stronger and better you get.

My grandfather used to joke: “How do you get to Carnegie Hall?”

The answer: “Practice, practice, practice.”

Writing is totally the same way. Instead of moving to a heavier weight or learning a new song, the more you write, the more you can find inspiration from everything around you. Like the Force, it FLOWS (Star Wars nerd in me, sorr-nope not gonna apologize).

Two years ago, I was all OVER it, and I think getting back into the rhythm of school will help me again. Carra keeps saying it’ll give me an opportunity to really USE my creativity again, and the more I think about that, the more excited I get.

A lot has gone down in the two years since school. I worked in CO and I saw John Mayer play 11 times (counting the three shows I’ll see in the next few weeks). I started dating a girl I’ve grown to love and I started really missing my sister because she moved to another state (although we keep in touch pretty well again these days). I’ve been to the weddings of six friends (including one in which I was the Best Man and two in which I’ve been a groomsman) and I’ve set foot in 16 states. I’ve hiked the Rockies, touched two oceans, and sipped tequila in Mexico. I got one more tattoo but I’m ready for another. I’ve taken pics of concerts and sunsets and sunrises and the moon. I worked in an organic pizza restaurant for a great boss and learned more patience from the customers. NC State still struggled in sports and I still love them as much as I did when I was 12.

It’s been a ride, as LIFE always is, and I’m looking forward to this next step. It’s a great opportunity, and I’m thankful to be able to build on what I’ve already learned.

At the least, I’ll be able to look more impressive on paper, haha, and no matter what, I look forward to the return to creativity. It wasn’t gone…I just took a little break…

Two weeks. Whew.


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