Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Steel wool.

I can tighten my pants because the first day of class is under my BELT! Gotta say it feels pretty good. It's only a week of seminars, but it's still SCHOOL, and it's the first I've been back in over two years!

The day started off pretty well, but I couldn't sleep the night before. I had the typical first-day jitters again, you know how it is. Rolled around a lot, and woke up at 5a.m. because I really had to pee. I hate this, because I was getting up at 7, but I only stay in bed if I have under an hour left to sleep. Any longer than that and you'll just roll around more. Or pee your bed.

Anyway, got up, did my pushups, and chugged my coffee. Then I was OFF!

Timed my journey from the door of my house to turning my car off in the Elon parking lot to exactly 30 minutes! Not bad, eh?

Then it was time for my first seminar. There are 16 of about 36 students in these pre-semester seminars, so I got to meet about half of the class. Everyone seemed really cool, but we all know we're in for a long year together.

I took lots of notes today and cranked out my homework as soon as I got home. It was a pretty good day, and while I'm still rusty in the school-routine department, I'm ready to steel-wool it up and hit it like it's my job again...because right now, it is...


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