There is NOTHING fun about being woken up at 3 a.m. by cops at your door, but it could DEFINITELY be worse than why they came to mine Tuesday night. I was the victim of a hit and run, and my 1999 Jetta was totaled.
You may be thinking, “that sucks,” and it does, but it’s all about OPTIMISM, right? Looking at things HALF-FULL. Believe me, it’s the only way to roll through life happy.
But let’s get back to the knock first. I was out COLD for the night, dreaming about not being in school, when something woke me up. I have a wrap-around porch on my duplex that ends with a window attached to my bedroom, and somebody was RIGHT OUTSIDE. Whoever it was had a flashlight and was waving It around my window.
Then “BOOM BOOM BOOM!” Somebody was pounding on my door! I freakin’ froze up in bed, but I knew I had to answer it, not knowing what the intentions of the person would be. I got outta bed, left my lacrosse stick behind like a sleep-deprived idiot, and yelled, “Yo!”
“Police, open up!” they said. I was awake now…
“Oh,” I said, and opened right up. My mind was racing, having NO CLUE what was going on.
“Are you the owner of the black vehicle outside?”
“Yeah. What’s up?”
“You’ve been the victim of a hit and run.”
Shitttttttt, I thought. I walked outside, and sure enough, I was the victim of a hit and run. Cops don’t really lie about these things, but I was tired, dammit, and had to see it.
The guy who did it slammed into my car and fled on foot. My poor Jetta was pushed up onto the sidewalk with a snapped axel and a caved-in passenger side. One of my wheels was parallel to the ground, “Back to the Future”-style (You know, like when the Delorean flies in the second movie). It was totaled. And damn, it’s cold out at 3 in the morning…
Anyway, fast-forward real quick, and everything is going to be ok…for me at least. We got the kid’s insurance from his dad, and they’re going to come give me a quote on how much money I’ll get for a new car in the next day or two.
The KID, though, is screwed. Besides being drunk and committing a hit and run, the police found pot and pills in his car, AND he had expired tags. There’s a warrant out for him now, but I don’t if they’ve gotten him yet.
Crazy, right?
There are several things to take out of this, though. First, thank GOD no one was hurt, past the surface injuries the driver sustained. A car is a car, and it sucks, but everybody is ok. Second, I hope the kid will be all right. What I hope he gets out of this is a life-changing experience. I hope he looks at it as an event that turned his life around, and starts living it RIGHT. Moments like these define character, and the way you handle it can determine the rest of your life, so I hope he looks at it as a second chance instead of a terrible night.
Drunk driving is no joke. I know there have been a few times where I shouldn’t have been behind the wheel, and I’m SUPER-thankful and lucky that I’m here today to write this admission. DD’s and cabs are awesome, and 20 bucks on a safe ride is a lot cheaper than the cost of a lawyer. Or your life.
My car will be taken care of. Things are cool. We’re all still here. The rest doesn’t matter. Just gotta keep truckin’ and keep it half-full.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Theory Exorcism.
I need something to write about.
Anything. I’m kinda lost at sea. I mean, is writing about not knowing what to write about a topic? I’m drawing blanks here. My creativity is being sucked dry by shitty theory writing for school. The time I put into writing about what I LOVE is being traded for time writing about communication theory and hypothesis.
Not trying to bitch. I guess it’s not truly writer’s block, but “intellectual writer’s block.” My creative mind is currently possessed by a demon made up of textbooks, scholarly journals, and computers. I need an exorcist made up of Nature, Music, and Free Time.
The Music is there. I listen to it on the way to and from school and when I work out. I do my best thinking on my 35 minute drive to school. The ideas flow between chords and songs, and I feel inspired with my coffee and my sunglasses. It’s my second-favorite time of day, besides seeing my lady. I feel happy and ready to take on anything, knowing my ideas will be successful. Only problem is, as soon as I walk into school and turn on my computer, they’re gone.
I don’t really know how to fix this problem yet, and I wouldn’t be writing about it if I did. I’ve always heard that it’s good to “visualize” what you want to happen before you get a chance to MAKE it happen. My lacrosse coach always told us to do this before games, and they say it’s good to do so before interviews. Kind of like a psychological warm-up. I visualize all these ideas, but I can’t make them happen due to lack of Nature and Free Time, so they disappear.
I could try to write them down and save them for later, but then others will pile up. They’re like dreams deferred, and they kind of fade to quiet like the end of a good song. The thought stays, and then the chords of the next one begin and it’s gone.
I’ll figure it out, though. I’m in this thing for the long run, and while I feel like I’ve been a little mislead, I’m still on a path to better things. In the meantime, I’ll keep searching for a way to tip the scales in favor of creativity. I’ll MAKE it shine, damnit. Love it too much not to.
Eight months left, and miles to go before I sleep.
Anything. I’m kinda lost at sea. I mean, is writing about not knowing what to write about a topic? I’m drawing blanks here. My creativity is being sucked dry by shitty theory writing for school. The time I put into writing about what I LOVE is being traded for time writing about communication theory and hypothesis.
Not trying to bitch. I guess it’s not truly writer’s block, but “intellectual writer’s block.” My creative mind is currently possessed by a demon made up of textbooks, scholarly journals, and computers. I need an exorcist made up of Nature, Music, and Free Time.
The Music is there. I listen to it on the way to and from school and when I work out. I do my best thinking on my 35 minute drive to school. The ideas flow between chords and songs, and I feel inspired with my coffee and my sunglasses. It’s my second-favorite time of day, besides seeing my lady. I feel happy and ready to take on anything, knowing my ideas will be successful. Only problem is, as soon as I walk into school and turn on my computer, they’re gone.
I don’t really know how to fix this problem yet, and I wouldn’t be writing about it if I did. I’ve always heard that it’s good to “visualize” what you want to happen before you get a chance to MAKE it happen. My lacrosse coach always told us to do this before games, and they say it’s good to do so before interviews. Kind of like a psychological warm-up. I visualize all these ideas, but I can’t make them happen due to lack of Nature and Free Time, so they disappear.
I could try to write them down and save them for later, but then others will pile up. They’re like dreams deferred, and they kind of fade to quiet like the end of a good song. The thought stays, and then the chords of the next one begin and it’s gone.
I’ll figure it out, though. I’m in this thing for the long run, and while I feel like I’ve been a little mislead, I’m still on a path to better things. In the meantime, I’ll keep searching for a way to tip the scales in favor of creativity. I’ll MAKE it shine, damnit. Love it too much not to.
Eight months left, and miles to go before I sleep.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Too much STUFF.
Watch this, because it'll open your eyes:
And then read my take:
Ever listen to the song “Penny Lane” by The Beatles? It sounds SUPER happy, but when you listen to the actual lyrics, it takes a turn and becomes ominous REALLY fast.
“The Story of Stuff” reminded me of a cartoon version of this. It looks and sounds happy and fun, but when you really LISTEN to the message, it’s scary and sad.
This animation is something I think everybody should see. It’s important enough that I’m even going to post this into my fun, non-school related blog. It’s educational and enlightening, and it freaks me out.
I took notes throughout the animation of the facts that really stood out for me. How about knowing that of the 100 largest economies, 51 are corporations!? I bet the conspiracy theorists LOVE this one. Really makes you think about the whole BP situation in the Gulf. Sometimes you gotta wonder who really is running everything…
And America, come on! We really do think we own the world, don’t we? The fact that we would need 3-5 Earths if everyone consumed the way we do really caught my attention. We also consume twice as much as we did 50 years ago, and release at least 4 billion pounds of pollution a year!
Oh, and how about the fact that we have more stuff than ever, but we’re also unhappier than ever. There’s GOTTA be a correlation here. We have more stuff, but less time to use it. Apparently we have less leisure time NOW than we did during feudal society, and when we do have free time, we waste it on television and retail. The fun and real things in life, like family and friends and love, are overlooked, and we keep trucking forward and piling up the money so we can pile up the toys we’ll put down after a week.
All of this is ridiculous, but I can’t say that I’m any better than everyone who falls into this equation. This weekend alone, I went through a pile of my old “stuff” to find things to give to Goodwill. I rummaged through stacks of old t-shirts and analyzed which ones I could stand to part with. A lot of them were stupid graphic tees with cool logos or catchy messages, and even though I hadn’t worn them in a while, I thought, “man, I might want to wear this again one day.” I managed to overcome this for the most part, and ended up giving away about 30 shirts. Thirty shirts! I certainly don’t NEED 30 shirts, but it’s not my fault, right? Nope. It’s not my fault that I’m exposed to 3,000 ads a day, and told to buy new things because we’re groomed with perceived obsolescence to believe that the newest trend is the only way and that anything else is shit.
So no, it’s not my fault.
But yeah, it is. I don’t NEED to fall into this. And this little presentation certainly encourages me to avoid all of this to the best of my ability. I want to be a representation of this and go out like a soldier for sustainability. I’ve gotten better in the last few years because I’ve learned more about the situation and everything that’s going on in the world. Half the time that’s what it’s all about. We NEED to be educated on this stuff, because knowledge of the problem is the first step in the direction of fixing it.
Once we gain the knowledge, it’s up to us to act. You guys think we can do it?
And then read my take:
Ever listen to the song “Penny Lane” by The Beatles? It sounds SUPER happy, but when you listen to the actual lyrics, it takes a turn and becomes ominous REALLY fast.
“The Story of Stuff” reminded me of a cartoon version of this. It looks and sounds happy and fun, but when you really LISTEN to the message, it’s scary and sad.
This animation is something I think everybody should see. It’s important enough that I’m even going to post this into my fun, non-school related blog. It’s educational and enlightening, and it freaks me out.
I took notes throughout the animation of the facts that really stood out for me. How about knowing that of the 100 largest economies, 51 are corporations!? I bet the conspiracy theorists LOVE this one. Really makes you think about the whole BP situation in the Gulf. Sometimes you gotta wonder who really is running everything…
And America, come on! We really do think we own the world, don’t we? The fact that we would need 3-5 Earths if everyone consumed the way we do really caught my attention. We also consume twice as much as we did 50 years ago, and release at least 4 billion pounds of pollution a year!
Oh, and how about the fact that we have more stuff than ever, but we’re also unhappier than ever. There’s GOTTA be a correlation here. We have more stuff, but less time to use it. Apparently we have less leisure time NOW than we did during feudal society, and when we do have free time, we waste it on television and retail. The fun and real things in life, like family and friends and love, are overlooked, and we keep trucking forward and piling up the money so we can pile up the toys we’ll put down after a week.
All of this is ridiculous, but I can’t say that I’m any better than everyone who falls into this equation. This weekend alone, I went through a pile of my old “stuff” to find things to give to Goodwill. I rummaged through stacks of old t-shirts and analyzed which ones I could stand to part with. A lot of them were stupid graphic tees with cool logos or catchy messages, and even though I hadn’t worn them in a while, I thought, “man, I might want to wear this again one day.” I managed to overcome this for the most part, and ended up giving away about 30 shirts. Thirty shirts! I certainly don’t NEED 30 shirts, but it’s not my fault, right? Nope. It’s not my fault that I’m exposed to 3,000 ads a day, and told to buy new things because we’re groomed with perceived obsolescence to believe that the newest trend is the only way and that anything else is shit.
So no, it’s not my fault.
But yeah, it is. I don’t NEED to fall into this. And this little presentation certainly encourages me to avoid all of this to the best of my ability. I want to be a representation of this and go out like a soldier for sustainability. I’ve gotten better in the last few years because I’ve learned more about the situation and everything that’s going on in the world. Half the time that’s what it’s all about. We NEED to be educated on this stuff, because knowledge of the problem is the first step in the direction of fixing it.
Once we gain the knowledge, it’s up to us to act. You guys think we can do it?
penny lane,
story of stuff
Friday, September 17, 2010
Wolfpack 2003.v.2010.
NC State just put a beating on Cincinnati, and I’m happy.
We’re 3-0 for the first time since 2002, and it feels like my freshman year of college again. We’ve got a strong offense (maybe not as strong as with Rivers that year, but strong) and a good defense (better than freshman year ‘03), so it balances out pretty well.
It’s pretty fitting. Good Wolfpack team. I’m like a “freshman” in a new school. Fall fast-approaching. Life’s a wheel that keeps on TURNING and it always amazes me how things come around again.
So much happens this time of year. To me, the start of football season triggers the beginning of the fall more than the start of school, and I love it. I’m a sucker for spring and the weather getting warmer, but I’m deeply in love with autumn and the changes the season brings. It’s nostalgia and cooler temperatures and beautiful.
Looking forward to seeing how my Wolfpack respond to this start and to what the autumn will bring us all. These kind of feelings definitely make the rest of the pressures I’m feeling seem a lot lighter…
We’re 3-0 for the first time since 2002, and it feels like my freshman year of college again. We’ve got a strong offense (maybe not as strong as with Rivers that year, but strong) and a good defense (better than freshman year ‘03), so it balances out pretty well.
It’s pretty fitting. Good Wolfpack team. I’m like a “freshman” in a new school. Fall fast-approaching. Life’s a wheel that keeps on TURNING and it always amazes me how things come around again.
So much happens this time of year. To me, the start of football season triggers the beginning of the fall more than the start of school, and I love it. I’m a sucker for spring and the weather getting warmer, but I’m deeply in love with autumn and the changes the season brings. It’s nostalgia and cooler temperatures and beautiful.
Looking forward to seeing how my Wolfpack respond to this start and to what the autumn will bring us all. These kind of feelings definitely make the rest of the pressures I’m feeling seem a lot lighter…
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Caveman Diet.
I’ve gone paleo. It’s true. I’ve been eating like a caveman for the past two weeks, excluding the weekends, and I’m feeling good.
I did some research on the topic and it seems like a pretty legit diet. All it really involves is consumption of foods that were around 10,000 years ago, so lots of nuts, fruits, veggies, and meat. You’re not supposed to eat dairy, legumes, grains, or processed oils and foods. Check it out:

My problem is that I don’t EAT meat, so I’ve modified it in a way that I get plenty of fish and whey protein (I get that they didn’t have protein powder back in the day, but this is MY version, so back off). I’m also keeping some of the fake meats in my diet, which doesn’t fall into the purely-paleo path but keeps me fed and fit.
I’m eating lunch as I type right now, and it’s all fruits, veggies, and nuts. I know I sound like a rabbit, but it’s freakin’ delicious and fresh. The nuts cover good fats and proteins, and I’ve got plenty of vitamins and minerals coming in from the fruits and veggies.
I’m only doing this on a trial basis for now, but I like the results I’m already seeing. I feel great, my workouts are rockin’, and it seems like a good thing, so why not keep going?
I realize I might get bored of it after a while, but that’s what my weekends are for. Monday through Friday is all health when my Saturdays and Sundays are all pizza, fries, beer, and pancakes. Mmm, mmm. And I definitely cheat mid-week from time to time, depending on the occasion or how I feel.
Eating like a caveman isn’t so bad, and like anything, it gets easier the more you do it. I’m gonna run with it for now, and we’ll see what happens…
I did some research on the topic and it seems like a pretty legit diet. All it really involves is consumption of foods that were around 10,000 years ago, so lots of nuts, fruits, veggies, and meat. You’re not supposed to eat dairy, legumes, grains, or processed oils and foods. Check it out:

My problem is that I don’t EAT meat, so I’ve modified it in a way that I get plenty of fish and whey protein (I get that they didn’t have protein powder back in the day, but this is MY version, so back off). I’m also keeping some of the fake meats in my diet, which doesn’t fall into the purely-paleo path but keeps me fed and fit.
I’m eating lunch as I type right now, and it’s all fruits, veggies, and nuts. I know I sound like a rabbit, but it’s freakin’ delicious and fresh. The nuts cover good fats and proteins, and I’ve got plenty of vitamins and minerals coming in from the fruits and veggies.
I’m only doing this on a trial basis for now, but I like the results I’m already seeing. I feel great, my workouts are rockin’, and it seems like a good thing, so why not keep going?
I realize I might get bored of it after a while, but that’s what my weekends are for. Monday through Friday is all health when my Saturdays and Sundays are all pizza, fries, beer, and pancakes. Mmm, mmm. And I definitely cheat mid-week from time to time, depending on the occasion or how I feel.
Eating like a caveman isn’t so bad, and like anything, it gets easier the more you do it. I’m gonna run with it for now, and we’ll see what happens…
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
True Blood finale.

The “True Blood” season 3 finale was the other night, and of COURSE, they left us hanging for the next one.
I’ve watched it two and a half times now, and while it was fun, it wasn’t as shocking as the finales of the past two seasons have been, because they left so MANY loose ends by the conclusion of the episode. Instead of one BIG shock, they left us with about NINE.
Let’s take a look (SPOILER, if you care…):
1. Bill’s mission for the Queen: One of the biggest shockers of the finale was when Eric revealed that Bill was sent to Sookie by the Queen from day one to figure out exactly what she was. It got shadier when he told her that Bill let Sookie get beaten up so he could save her and link her with his blood. Of course, Sookie flipped out at the news of this, but Bill legitimately protested that he had no idea of why he was sent, and that he really did fall in love with her. She kicked him out, he left crying. The situation sucks, but I think he really does love her. No bad motives there, and with how writing works they’ll throw them back together by the end of the next season. If you haven’t realized by now, it’s never good to “Jim and Pam” or “Ryan and Marissa” your characters by hooking them up early in the series.
2. Sookie’s disappearance into the Light: We all knew Sookie’s background as a Fairy had to be further explained. There’s still a lot of mystery here, but I’m sure she’ll be back and inspired to use what she’ll learn from the others.
3. Did Sam shoot his brother? No. OR, yes, but in the leg or foot. Sam explored his dark side in this season, and we found out more about his past, but he’s good at heart. While his brother used him, I think he sees a lot of himself in the kid. He’ll give him a second chance. You may disagree, but I don’t see it any other way.
4. Tara leaving town: Tara’s been through so MUCH the past two seasons. She deserves a new start, and she’ll be missed, but there’s no way she’ll be gone for good. She’ll be drawn back by something having to do with her mother, because as hard as she tries, she can’t break that link.
5. Jason as a caretaker: Jason was left in charge of the Bon Temps Hillbilly Corps. He’s an idiot, but he’s a big kid and he tries hard. As always, he has no clue what he’s getting into, but he’s following his heart and I think it will actually turn out good in the end.
6. Lafayette and Jesus: Lafayette is seeing some messed up SHIT now, and it all has to do with the V he took and his link to Jesus, who revealed himself as a witch. It’s like he can see the inner evil of people (Rene in Arlene, blood on Sam’s hands), and he can’t escape it. He seemed scared of Jesus in the end, but I think Jesus will guide him and teach him what he needs to know to overcome and use these visions.
7. Hoyt and Jessica: Happy ending? Too good to be true. What the hell was that doll on the floor of their new house? Their relationship is lovable, but something bad has to bring it down. Again, that’s how writing works. Don’t forget about Hoyt’s mom buying a rifle at the end there. It’s obviously for Jessica, but something tells me Hoyt’s gonna be the one who gets hurt by her intentions. Like you, I REALLY want this to work out, but when something looks sunny, there are always shadows in the dark.
8. Russel and Godric: Two old vampires. Russel was left charred and buried in concrete, but he’s pissed off and he wants revenge. He’ll be back. And GODRIC is coming off as the Jesus of Vampires. He’s a ghost now, but he only wants peace. Something tells me he wanted to save Russel for a reason, like it would help out the bigger picture of things. It’ll be interesting to see if he shows up again.
9. Arlene and Terry: This is a secondary loose-end, but Arlene is still pregnant, and with Lafayette’s vision you wonder about the baby. And I don’t trust her methods of trying to end the pregnancy. Something weird is going on, and it’s gonna bite them in the ass.
Whew. So. LOTS to take in. Instead of punching us in the face with one giant opening, they hit us in the stomach with several loose ends. It was entertaining, but they’ve got a lotttttt of explaining to do in nine months.
Until then, stay outta the sun and let your fangs hang down.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Haven’t had a free-style write in a while so I’m going for it.
MAN, I’m tired. Wired tired. I know I should go to bed and I’ve got a thousand things I need to do before then, but I’m not gonna do those either. One thing at a time, right?
I ate dinner down the street at Fishbones tonight and a bunch of musicians set up their amps and instruments across the intersection and started jamming. We were on the patio, and I wasn’t sure about it at first, but once the guitars started humming and the bass started groovin’, it was amazing. They had an ambient sound to their music which blended nicely into the orange-blue dusk lighting. I’m not usually into straight-up jammage, but they were doing it RIGHT, and it cooled the hot air down a lil for us all.
Ahhh, music. I’ve always appreciated it. You know this. I know this. But I’ve really been trying to ABSORB it lately. Life is in a stalemate with time right now, but it’s on the starting block of a sprint, just waiting for the gun. Oh, and it’s about to FLY.
Freakin’ grad school. Yeah, that’s the race for now, and as you know, we’re always racing SOMETHING.
But the MUSIC helps get me THROUGH it. I have a 30-minute commute each way everyday, and putting my iPod on shuffle takes me through everything from slow and peaceful melodies to fast-paced songs I like to run to. Each one is a button-push away from getting passed to the next one, depending on my mood (and how much coffee I’ve had).
Putting my iPod on shuffle is nice because I never know what song will come up. I’ve got music on there I forget about, music I listen to over and over, and music that takes me BACK to different moments in my life.
That last subject is something I am all ABOUT, and something I truly believe in. I’ve talked about it before, and I’ll talk about it again, but I KNOW that everyone has songs that take them to specific points of their lives. This is something I wanna write blurbs about anytime one of these songs comes up for me, and I encourage you to do the same. We can see if any similar songs come up and swap stories.
Pass it on, because I guarantee everyone’s been there at some point.
And if you wanna do it right, put it on SHUFFLE. Life’s a shuffle anyway, right? Yeah, we go to work and school and get into routines, but every day is different. Don’t get caught up in the redundant, but look at what you’re LIVING. Make it fun and make it count.
MAN, I’m tired. Wired tired. I know I should go to bed and I’ve got a thousand things I need to do before then, but I’m not gonna do those either. One thing at a time, right?
I ate dinner down the street at Fishbones tonight and a bunch of musicians set up their amps and instruments across the intersection and started jamming. We were on the patio, and I wasn’t sure about it at first, but once the guitars started humming and the bass started groovin’, it was amazing. They had an ambient sound to their music which blended nicely into the orange-blue dusk lighting. I’m not usually into straight-up jammage, but they were doing it RIGHT, and it cooled the hot air down a lil for us all.
Ahhh, music. I’ve always appreciated it. You know this. I know this. But I’ve really been trying to ABSORB it lately. Life is in a stalemate with time right now, but it’s on the starting block of a sprint, just waiting for the gun. Oh, and it’s about to FLY.
Freakin’ grad school. Yeah, that’s the race for now, and as you know, we’re always racing SOMETHING.
But the MUSIC helps get me THROUGH it. I have a 30-minute commute each way everyday, and putting my iPod on shuffle takes me through everything from slow and peaceful melodies to fast-paced songs I like to run to. Each one is a button-push away from getting passed to the next one, depending on my mood (and how much coffee I’ve had).
Putting my iPod on shuffle is nice because I never know what song will come up. I’ve got music on there I forget about, music I listen to over and over, and music that takes me BACK to different moments in my life.
That last subject is something I am all ABOUT, and something I truly believe in. I’ve talked about it before, and I’ll talk about it again, but I KNOW that everyone has songs that take them to specific points of their lives. This is something I wanna write blurbs about anytime one of these songs comes up for me, and I encourage you to do the same. We can see if any similar songs come up and swap stories.
Pass it on, because I guarantee everyone’s been there at some point.
And if you wanna do it right, put it on SHUFFLE. Life’s a shuffle anyway, right? Yeah, we go to work and school and get into routines, but every day is different. Don’t get caught up in the redundant, but look at what you’re LIVING. Make it fun and make it count.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
My professor for Interactive Writing and Design asked us to introduce ourselves today and tell what website we visit first every morning.
My answer, along with half of the class, was Facebook.
Sad, I know, but I’m a Facebookaholic. I said I check it first because it’s good seeing what all’s going with everybody and if anyone posted anything on my wall overnight. Why does this matter to me? I don’t KNOW, but I ALWAYS check it.
And thinking about the time I spend on Facebook, I made the depressing calculation that if I spend a QUARTER of Facebook time with my guitar instead of on the computer, I’d probably be pretty dang good. But no. No. I like watching links to viral videos on YouTube and seeing who all is recently engaged instead. Idiot.
The positive is that Tumblr is the second site I check every morning, so I guess I’m going in the “write” direction…get it? It motivates me to write and it motivates me to post fun things, and it’s more focused than Facebook, so it at least FEELS more credible.
Anyway, if I can find a way to turn my Facebook time back and turn my writing time (or guitar time, or school time) up, I’ll feel better about it. But we shall see, haha…
My answer, along with half of the class, was Facebook.
Sad, I know, but I’m a Facebookaholic. I said I check it first because it’s good seeing what all’s going with everybody and if anyone posted anything on my wall overnight. Why does this matter to me? I don’t KNOW, but I ALWAYS check it.
And thinking about the time I spend on Facebook, I made the depressing calculation that if I spend a QUARTER of Facebook time with my guitar instead of on the computer, I’d probably be pretty dang good. But no. No. I like watching links to viral videos on YouTube and seeing who all is recently engaged instead. Idiot.
The positive is that Tumblr is the second site I check every morning, so I guess I’m going in the “write” direction…get it? It motivates me to write and it motivates me to post fun things, and it’s more focused than Facebook, so it at least FEELS more credible.
Anyway, if I can find a way to turn my Facebook time back and turn my writing time (or guitar time, or school time) up, I’ll feel better about it. But we shall see, haha…
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