Wednesday, September 1, 2010


My professor for Interactive Writing and Design asked us to introduce ourselves today and tell what website we visit first every morning.

My answer, along with half of the class, was Facebook.

Sad, I know, but I’m a Facebookaholic. I said I check it first because it’s good seeing what all’s going with everybody and if anyone posted anything on my wall overnight. Why does this matter to me? I don’t KNOW, but I ALWAYS check it.

And thinking about the time I spend on Facebook, I made the depressing calculation that if I spend a QUARTER of Facebook time with my guitar instead of on the computer, I’d probably be pretty dang good. But no. No. I like watching links to viral videos on YouTube and seeing who all is recently engaged instead. Idiot.

The positive is that Tumblr is the second site I check every morning, so I guess I’m going in the “write” direction…get it? It motivates me to write and it motivates me to post fun things, and it’s more focused than Facebook, so it at least FEELS more credible.

Anyway, if I can find a way to turn my Facebook time back and turn my writing time (or guitar time, or school time) up, I’ll feel better about it. But we shall see, haha…

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