The “True Blood” season 3 finale was the other night, and of COURSE, they left us hanging for the next one.
I’ve watched it two and a half times now, and while it was fun, it wasn’t as shocking as the finales of the past two seasons have been, because they left so MANY loose ends by the conclusion of the episode. Instead of one BIG shock, they left us with about NINE.
Let’s take a look (SPOILER, if you care…):
1. Bill’s mission for the Queen: One of the biggest shockers of the finale was when Eric revealed that Bill was sent to Sookie by the Queen from day one to figure out exactly what she was. It got shadier when he told her that Bill let Sookie get beaten up so he could save her and link her with his blood. Of course, Sookie flipped out at the news of this, but Bill legitimately protested that he had no idea of why he was sent, and that he really did fall in love with her. She kicked him out, he left crying. The situation sucks, but I think he really does love her. No bad motives there, and with how writing works they’ll throw them back together by the end of the next season. If you haven’t realized by now, it’s never good to “Jim and Pam” or “Ryan and Marissa” your characters by hooking them up early in the series.
2. Sookie’s disappearance into the Light: We all knew Sookie’s background as a Fairy had to be further explained. There’s still a lot of mystery here, but I’m sure she’ll be back and inspired to use what she’ll learn from the others.
3. Did Sam shoot his brother? No. OR, yes, but in the leg or foot. Sam explored his dark side in this season, and we found out more about his past, but he’s good at heart. While his brother used him, I think he sees a lot of himself in the kid. He’ll give him a second chance. You may disagree, but I don’t see it any other way.
4. Tara leaving town: Tara’s been through so MUCH the past two seasons. She deserves a new start, and she’ll be missed, but there’s no way she’ll be gone for good. She’ll be drawn back by something having to do with her mother, because as hard as she tries, she can’t break that link.
5. Jason as a caretaker: Jason was left in charge of the Bon Temps Hillbilly Corps. He’s an idiot, but he’s a big kid and he tries hard. As always, he has no clue what he’s getting into, but he’s following his heart and I think it will actually turn out good in the end.
6. Lafayette and Jesus: Lafayette is seeing some messed up SHIT now, and it all has to do with the V he took and his link to Jesus, who revealed himself as a witch. It’s like he can see the inner evil of people (Rene in Arlene, blood on Sam’s hands), and he can’t escape it. He seemed scared of Jesus in the end, but I think Jesus will guide him and teach him what he needs to know to overcome and use these visions.
7. Hoyt and Jessica: Happy ending? Too good to be true. What the hell was that doll on the floor of their new house? Their relationship is lovable, but something bad has to bring it down. Again, that’s how writing works. Don’t forget about Hoyt’s mom buying a rifle at the end there. It’s obviously for Jessica, but something tells me Hoyt’s gonna be the one who gets hurt by her intentions. Like you, I REALLY want this to work out, but when something looks sunny, there are always shadows in the dark.
8. Russel and Godric: Two old vampires. Russel was left charred and buried in concrete, but he’s pissed off and he wants revenge. He’ll be back. And GODRIC is coming off as the Jesus of Vampires. He’s a ghost now, but he only wants peace. Something tells me he wanted to save Russel for a reason, like it would help out the bigger picture of things. It’ll be interesting to see if he shows up again.
9. Arlene and Terry: This is a secondary loose-end, but Arlene is still pregnant, and with Lafayette’s vision you wonder about the baby. And I don’t trust her methods of trying to end the pregnancy. Something weird is going on, and it’s gonna bite them in the ass.
Whew. So. LOTS to take in. Instead of punching us in the face with one giant opening, they hit us in the stomach with several loose ends. It was entertaining, but they’ve got a lotttttt of explaining to do in nine months.
Until then, stay outta the sun and let your fangs hang down.
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