Sunday, October 24, 2010


Coffee has become my fuel. It’s the gasoline to my car and the yellow sun to my Superman. I drink it and it pushes me. Ahh, coffee.

I’ve been a two cup a morning guy for three years now, but I’d managed to cut out day consumption over the last year or so…until grad school.

Now I need it. One cup when I wake up. A tall cup for the commute to school. And an afternoon Vente Black before my last classes of the day. I told myself I wouldn’t do that, but after the first time, it was all downhill.

Weekends are no different. I went to brunch at 11:30 yesterday, and by the time we left at one, BOOM, my persistent waitress had topped off my bottomless cup four times. Didn’t even realize it. Until I was bouncing in my chair and chewing my nails.

I’m one down right now, waiting to go get food and itching for my next cup. It’s one o’clock.

Oh, coffee. I love you and I hate you at the very same time.

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